Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Deadly Nightshades...

Have you seen them biking around Toronto... or have they popped up while skipping through the internet? The Deadly Nightshades is a group of designers, spinning around town... and they now have some 2ReVert products! We were thrilled to produce some great 'Nightshade Knuckle Rings', especially for these amazing girls.

They gave us a shout out in NOW! magazine... check it out... and check out the Deadly Nightshades!



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

WoW! We are in the 'voter'!

check us out... and if you love us... give us your vote.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Where is SPRING!?!

Well another light dusting of snow this morning has made us crave Spring more then ever!
Thought we would share a colourful pair of new earrings from 2ReVert...

Earth Day is next week (Wednesday, April 22nd), and Disney will be launching the release of their new film, "Earth", can't wait to see this!

Happy Spring,